Dymchurch is an old historic village set in the centre of a lovely bay, seven miles wide, sheltered by a range of hills which commands a magnificent view of the English Channel and its shipping. This delightful setting is set in the South Eastern corner of Kent, known as the Garden of England.
Dymchurch owes much of its popularity as a holiday destination to the many miles of firm golden sands, which are washed clean by every tide. At low tide the sea goes out for a considerable distance leaving a perfect playground for even the youngest visitor.
The village has many amenities including many small shops and cafes, a small supermarket, a post office, a funfair, amusements, and several public houses. There are frequent buses up and down the coast road, and the one-third-scale steam and diesel locomotives of the famous Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway, call at Dymchurch Station on their way from Hythe to Dungeness.
For those people who are desirous of a more quiet and peaceful holiday, Dymchurch is a conÂvenient centre for exploring the historic Romney Marsh, especially for those who prefer to turn aside from the bustle of the modern age to the quiet lanes with their beauty, and thorn set dykes.
For those who love the past this village has unending interest, where one can find the Land of the Normans, and the Romans in the many works that have been unearthed around Dymchurch.
There is a kindliness and friendliness in this lovely corner of Kent. It is hoped that this website may attract many who might not otherwise have ventured to visit this lovely and unique Dymchurch.